# Stillwater Pond _She said "sweetie, whatcha thinkin'?"_ \ _I stared down at the ground_ \ _I don't think life is easy, and it's hitting me right now_ \ _We walked right down the sidewalk and I opened up my mouth_ \ _"My life is in a strange place,_ \ _Like sitting at a pond,_ \ _And noticing the stillness, and taking in the calm"_ (Mmmhmm) _I don't know what I'm doing, can't you tell?_ \ (Mmmhmm) _Not used to all the silence in my head_ \ (Mmmhmm) _And I'll be honest, I make my life hell_ \ (Mmmhmm) _So how am I supposed to do the rest?_ _Don't keep making your storms, girl, it's all you can do, to keep pushing through_ \ _Appreciate all the quiet, 'cus now your life is just up to you_ \ _You had it all along_ \ _Never had to write this song_ \ _So as long as we're sitting, here's the truth_ \ _You don't need to know what to do_ _I used to resort to drinking_ \ _It could numb the pain I felt_ \ _Every weekend I'd repeat it, and the weekdays just as well_ \ _I chose to just deny it, grin and bare, I'd tell myself_ \ _Now I'm not still in college_ \ _Or in a shitty job_ \ _So I told myself at my age I should practice self love_ (Mmmhmm) _Maybe I'm in more control than I let on_ \ (Mmmhmm) _When I stop the issues new ones just appear_ \ (Mmmhmm) _Wait, I'm starting to think they're already gone_ \ (Mmmhmm) _I should take my own advice, get out of here_ _Don't keep making your storms, girl, it's all you can do, to keep pushing through_ \ _Appreciate all the quiet, 'cus now your life is just up to you_ \ _You had it all along_ \ _Never had to write this song_ \ _So as long as we're sitting, here's the truth_ \ _You don't need to know what to do_ _I'm sitting at the airport_ \ _I'm on standby for the flight_ \ _I don't feel so agitated_ \ _About figuring out life_ \ _There's no way to have answers_ \ _And I don't need to plan_ \ _I'll just fucking make it_ \ _Just a step at a time_ \ _Take a breath, it'll be fine_ \ _You don't need to be right_ \ _Just keep doing what you can_