# [void.werefox.cafe](https://void.werefox.cafe) > This will be used to replace my *"A Letter To The Void"* collection of poems on [write.as](https://write.as) for hosting my poetry. ## Usage > This project works by using a Cargo workspace with two projects `void-fe` and `void-be` ### Backend You can develop the backend by simply running the project from the root directory ``` cargo run ``` Generally, any commands you'd use for any other standard Rust project will work for this. Ex: ``` cargo build ``` ### Frontend If you want to develop the Dioxus frontend, you'll need to do the following: - [From the official Dioxus docs](https://dioxuslabs.com/docs/0.3/guide/en/getting_started/web), ensure you have `dioxus-cli` and the `wasm32-unknown-unknown` target installed ``` cargo install dioxus-cli ``` ``` rustup target add wasm32-unknown-unknown ``` - Additionally, you *may* need to have the [Tauri prerequisites](https://tauri.app/v1/guides/getting-started/prerequisites/) installed. Then, you should be able to run the development server after moving into the `rust-letter-fe` directory. (Linux example) ``` cd rust-letter-fe && dioxus serve ``` If you'd link to know about how to use `dioxus-cli`, you should run `dioxus --help` or [reference the official documentation.*](https://github.com/DioxusLabs/cli) \* At the time of writing this, the link to the documentation is broken. If you'd like to see what I normally use to run the project, here's an example: `dioxus serve --hot-reload --port [port #]` ## Running > Here are some ways you can run the project ### Cargo You can either do the standard `run --release` ``` cargo run --release ``` Or, referencing the Dockerfile, you can install and then run. ``` cargo install --path . ``` ``` rust-letter ``` ## Project Structure ``` .dioxus-letter-werefox-cafe |- data # text files that will be read to for data in the app |- public # save the assets you want include in your project. |- void-be |\ ||- src # source code folder for backend |- void-fe |\ ||- src # source code folder for frontend ||\ |||- utils # save some public function |||- components # save some custom components |- src # code for running the workspace |- templates # put template files here, right now just using handlebar ```