# Drop Kicked From Senselessness *Soft, muttered frequencies on the periphery of my subconscious*\ *A tune I used to hear that flickers its presence*\ *Giving me leverage of which to confine myself within the most secluded of spaces*\ *That distant melody echoing against the walls of my mind*\ *Silent, familiar wavelengths of nothingness that protrude*\ *The flooding sensations of lights fluttering among darkness*\ **Stop. Stop this.** *As the static fades out from its crescendo I am thrust outside those walls again*\ *Glimmering bleak reality returning its vibrancy to mock my estate*\ *The tempo and pacing and rhythm of the natural beats consume the timeline of my vision*\ *Balancing myself and weighing my feet as though I've dropped from a short ledge*\ *And that tune that was once so prominent is back in its chambers*