import BasicPage from "../../components/basic-page-template"; import WCard from "../../components/werefox-card"; import TCard from "../../components/testimonial-card"; import axios from "axios"; // Async functions to grab user avatars server-side export const getIcon = async ({ json, name }) => await axios.get(json).then( ({ data }) => [name, data["icon"]["url"]], (error) => { console.log(error); return [name, null]; } ); export const getStaticProps = async () => { const promises = Object.entries(USERS).map(([name, { json }]) => getIcon({ name, json }) ); const iconUrls = await Promise.all(promises); return { props: { iconUrls: iconUrls.reduce( (acc, [name, url]) => ({ ...acc, [name]: url }), {} ), }, }; }; // This is where you put the testimonial users' info const USERS = { colabunny: { json: "", url: "", content: '"please stay your jokes are funny and smart"', }, ElfLord: { url: "", json: "", content: `"Someday I'm gonna visit you in Texas, and when I get there, I'm going to realize you don't live in Texas at all, and I'm in the wrong state"`, }, Decimal: { url: "", json: "", content: `"I will appreciate the heck out of you any day"`, }, skelly: { url: "", json: "", content: `"this an an official invitation for any one of you to put 'fuck you i dont give testimonials' as a testimonial by me on your profile"`, }, Drako_Fenris: { url: "", json: "", content: `"[Alexis' future wife] lives in the ether yet to be revealed. she awaits the day her big tiddie goth gf rides in on her unicorn and rescues her."`, }, "00dani": { url: "", json: "", content: `"*falls in love with you* haha whoopsies 😳"`, }, Gumby: { url: "", json: "", content: `"im love alexis a lot 💚 🐀"`, }, AshBunny: { url: "", json: "", content: `"heck. I don't think I can take all of this support."`, }, heatherhorns: { url: "", json: "", content: `";~; gpsd gosh"`, }, MutoShack: { url: "", json: "", content: `"yess w'all say nice things! usually "alexis is the good" and "alexis is the gay" because it is the truth"`, }, immychan: { url: "", json: "", content: `"Oh damn you're cute 😳"`, }, nautilee: { url: "", json: "", content: `" are you so goshdarn cute"`, }, lindsays: { url: "", json: "", content: `"Regarding @shadow8t4 : She's an amazing, sweet, beautiful dork, and a spectacular best friend. also, a butt."`, }, }; export default function Testimonials({ iconUrls }) { return (

Sometimes, people say some nice things about me. Here are some examples!

{Object.keys(USERS).map((user) => ( ))}
); }