--- # Testimonial YAML colabunny: json: "https://yiff.life/@colabunny.json" url: "https://yiff.life/@colabunny" content: | "please stay your jokes are funny and smart" ElfLord: url: "https://freedom.horse/@ElfLord" json: "https://freedom.horse/@ElfLord.json" content: | "Someday I'm gonna visit you in Texas, and when I get there, I'm going to realize you don't live in Texas at all, and I'm in the wrong state" Decimal: url: "https://plush.city/@Decimal" json: "https://plush.city/@Decimal.json" content: | "I will appreciate the heck out of you any day" "00dani": url: "https://elekk.xyz/@00dani" json: "https://elekk.xyz/@00dani.json" content: | "*falls in love with you* haha whoopsies 😳" AshBunny: url: "https://yiff.life/@AshBunny" json: "https://yiff.life/@AshBunny.json" content: | "heck. I don't think I can take all of this support." heatherhorns: url: "https://plush.city/@heatherhorns" json: "https://plush.city/@heatherhorns.json" content: | ";~; gpsd gosh" MutoShack: url: "https://functional.cafe/@MutoShack" json: "https://functional.cafe/@MutoShack.json" content: | "yess w'all say nice things! usually "alice is the good" and "alice is the gay" because it is the truth" nautilee: url: "https://dragon.style/@nautilee" json: "https://dragon.style/@nautilee.json" content: | "...how are you so goshdarn cute" holly: url: "https://fedi.lotor.tech/@holly" json: "https://fedi.lotor.tech/@holly.json" content: | "One of the kindest, cutest systems I know!" avie: url: "https://sleepygremlin.online/@avie" json: "https://sleepygremlin.online/@avie.json" content: | "avie 🀝 alice being utter disasters and proud" Dax: url: "https://masto.werefox.dev/@Dax" json: "https://masto.werefox.dev/@Dax.json" content: | "im love alice a lot πŸ’š πŸ€" BatElite: url: "https://chitter.xyz/@BatElite" json: "https://chitter.xyz/@BatElite.json" content: | "*Thinks you're gay even by the standard of gayness I'm surrounded by*" violet: url: "https://masto.werefox.dev/@violet" json: "https://masto.werefox.dev/@violet.json" content: | "How dare your thighs be that soft?" lenalia: url: "https://plush.city/@lenalia" json: "https://plush.city/@lenalia.json" content: | "Hey Alice, you’re the ultimate life form in my heart πŸ’– You can control my chaos anytime πŸ’– You ARE all of you, and I’d like to smooch and snuggle and cuddle all of you πŸ’–" plausocks: url: "https://masto.werefox.dev/@plausocks" json: "https://masto.werefox.dev/@plausocks.json" content: | "*headpats the entire werefox system*" karma: url: "https://awoo.space/@karma" json: "https://awoo.space/@karma.json" content: | "wtf it's not even 7:30 PM why are you at ihop" lindsays: url: "https://hackers.town/@lindsays" json: "https://hackers.town/@lindsays.json" content: | "@alice : Absolutely just as much of a walking, talking shitpost as she is online. Also incredibly gay incredibly girl."