
199 lines
7.9 KiB
Raw Normal View History

// use markdown::Options;
// use rand::seq::SliceRandom;
// use rust_embed::RustEmbed;
// use std::collections::{HashMap, VecDeque};
// use super::prop_structs::{PoemDatabase, PoemStruct};
// #[derive(RustEmbed)]
// #[folder = "data/other"]
// struct OtherData;
// #[derive(RustEmbed)]
// #[folder = "data/poems"]
// pub struct Poems;
// impl PoemDatabase {
// pub fn new() -> PoemDatabase {
// PoemDatabase {
// poem_list: Vec::<(String, String)>::new(),
// poem_hashmap: HashMap::<String, PoemStruct>::new(),
// }
// }
// // There's no need to actually make a database yet, but maybe in the future...
// #[cfg(any(target_family = "unix", target_family = "windows"))]
// pub async fn build_poem_database(&mut self) {
// use dioxus::dioxus_core::Component;
// use markdown::CompileOptions;
// let markdown_options = &mut Options::gfm();
// markdown_options.compile = CompileOptions {
// allow_dangerous_html: true,
// ..CompileOptions::default()
// };
// for p in Poems::iter() {
// let filename = p.to_string();
// let poem_content = Poems::get(&filename).expect("Found poem {filename:?}");
// let mut poem_to_str = std::str::from_utf8(
// .expect("Poem is valid UT8.")
// .lines();
// let poem_title ="No title specified.");
// let poem_content = poem_to_str.into_iter().collect::<Vec<&str>>().join("\n");
// let poem_title_to_html_string =
// markdown::to_html_with_options(poem_title, markdown_options).unwrap();
// let poem_content_to_html_string =
// markdown::to_html_with_options(poem_content.as_str(), &Options::gfm()).unwrap();
// let mut split_filename = filename.trim_end_matches(".md").split("_");
// let creation_date ="Obtained creation date");
// let slug ="Obtained slug");
// self.poem_list
// .push((creation_date.to_string(), slug.to_string()));
// let poem_struct = PoemStruct {
// title: poem_title_to_html_string,
// content: poem_content_to_html_string,
// creation_date: creation_date.to_string(),
// };
// self.poem_hashmap.insert(slug.to_string(), poem_struct);
// }
// self.poem_list.sort_by_key(|k| k.0.clone())
// }
// #[cfg(any(target_family = "wasm"))]
// pub fn build_poem_database(&mut self) {
// for p in Poems::iter() {
// let filename = p.to_string();
// let poem_content = Poems::get(&filename).expect("Found poem {filename:?}");
// let mut poem_to_str = std::str::from_utf8(
// .expect("Poem is valid UT8.")
// .lines();
// let poem_title ="No title specified.");
// let poem_content = poem_to_str.into_iter().collect::<Vec<&str>>().join("\n");
// let poem_title_to_html_string =
// markdown::to_html_with_options(poem_title, &Options::gfm()).unwrap();
// let poem_content_to_html_string =
// markdown::to_html_with_options(poem_content.as_str(), &Options::gfm()).unwrap();
// let mut split_filename = filename.trim_end_matches(".md").split("_");
// let creation_date ="Obtained creation date");
// let slug ="Obtained slug");
// self.poem_list
// .push((creation_date.to_string(), slug.to_string()));
// let poem_struct = PoemStruct {
// title: poem_title_to_html_string.to_string(),
// content: poem_content_to_html_string,
// creation_date: creation_date.to_string(),
// };
// self.poem_hashmap.insert(slug.to_string(), poem_struct);
// }
// self.poem_list.sort_by_key(|k| k.0.clone())
// }
// pub fn get_poem(&self, slug: String) -> PoemStruct {
// self.poem_hashmap
// .get(slug.as_str())
// .expect("Grabbed poem from database")
// .clone()
// }
// pub fn get_poem_list(&self) -> Vec<(String, String)> {
// self.poem_list
// .iter()
// .map(|s| {
// (
// s.1.clone(),
// self.poem_hashmap
// .get(&s.1)
// .expect("Got poemstruct from database")
// .title
// .clone(),
// )
// })
// .collect::<Vec<(String, String)>>()
// .clone()
// }
// pub fn get_oldest_entry(&self, current: String) -> String {
// let mut poem_list = VecDeque::from_iter(self.poem_list.iter());
// let oldest = poem_list
// .pop_front()
// .expect("There is an entry in this list of poems.")
// .1
// .clone();
// if current == oldest {
// return format!("/poems/{current}#");
// }
// format!("/poems/{oldest}")
// }
// pub fn get_latest_entry(&self, current: String) -> String {
// let mut poem_list = self.poem_list.clone();
// let latest = poem_list
// .pop()
// .expect("There is an entry in this list of poems.")
// .1
// .clone();
// if current == latest {
// return format!("/poems/{current}#");
// }
// format!("/poems/{latest}")
// }
// pub fn get_previous_entry(&self, current: String) -> String {
// let poem_list = self.poem_list.clone();
// match poem_list.iter().enumerate().find_map(|(index, p)| {
// if p.1 == current {
// if index != 0 {
// Some(poem_list[index - 1].1.clone())
// } else {
// None
// }
// } else {
// None
// }
// }) {
// Some(entry) => format!("/poems/{entry}"),
// None => format!("/poems/{current}"),
// }
// }
// pub fn get_next_entry(&self, current: String) -> String {
// let poem_list = self.poem_list.clone();
// match poem_list.iter().enumerate().find_map(|(index, p)| {
// if p.1 == current {
// if index != poem_list.len() - 1 {
// Some(poem_list[index + 1].1.clone())
// } else {
// None
// }
// } else {
// None
// }
// }) {
// Some(entry) => format!("/poems/{entry}"),
// None => format!("/poems/{current}"),
// }
// }
// // #[cfg(not(target_family = "wasm"))]
// pub fn get_random_entry(&self) -> String {
// let poem_list = self.poem_list.clone();
// let mut rng = rand::thread_rng();
// let random_entry = poem_list
// .choose(&mut rng)
// .expect("Got a valid entry")
// .1
// .clone();
// // let random_entry = "introductions";
// format!("/poems/{random_entry}")
// }
// }
// pub fn get_homepage_paragraph() -> String {
// let homepage_paragraph_content =
// OtherData::get("").expect("Found homepage paragraph.");
// let homepage_paragraph_to_string =
// std::str::from_utf8(
// .expect("Homepage file is valid UTF-8");
// let test =
// markdown::to_html_with_options(homepage_paragraph_to_string, &Options::gfm()).unwrap();
// test
// }