Updated the gitignor, should not have been including dist/

This commit is contained in:
Ada Werefox 2023-04-08 20:53:52 -05:00
parent 31b0391ede
commit d0a94d74d0
7 changed files with 13 additions and 1331 deletions

.gitignore vendored
View File

@ -1 +1,13 @@
/target # Generated by Cargo
# will have compiled files and executables
# Remove Cargo.lock from gitignore if creating an executable, leave it for libraries
# More information here https://doc.rust-lang.org/cargo/guide/cargo-toml-vs-cargo-lock.html
# These are backup files generated by rustfmt
# Added by Dioxus

View File

@ -1,180 +0,0 @@
let m,p,ls,lss,sp,d,t,c,s,sl,op,i,e,z,text,n,tmpl_id,index,id,root,value,field,ns,bubbles,event_name,ptr,len,many;const ns_cache = [];const evt = [];const attr = [];
class ListenerMap {
constructor(root) {
// bubbling events can listen at the root element
this.global = {};
// non bubbling events listen at the element the listener was created at
this.local = {};
this.root = null;
this.handler = null;
create(event_name, element, bubbles) {
if (bubbles) {
if (this.global[event_name] === undefined) {
this.global[event_name] = {};
this.global[event_name].active = 1;
this.root.addEventListener(event_name, this.handler);
} else {
else {
const id = element.getAttribute("data-dioxus-id");
if (!this.local[id]) {
this.local[id] = {};
element.addEventListener(event_name, this.handler);
remove(element, event_name, bubbles) {
if (bubbles) {
if (this.global[event_name].active === 0) {
this.root.removeEventListener(event_name, this.global[event_name].callback);
delete this.global[event_name];
else {
const id = element.getAttribute("data-dioxus-id");
delete this.local[id][event_name];
if (this.local[id].length === 0) {
delete this.local[id];
element.removeEventListener(event_name, this.handler);
removeAllNonBubbling(element) {
const id = element.getAttribute("data-dioxus-id");
delete this.local[id];
function SetAttributeInner(node, field, value, ns) {
const name = field;
if (ns === "style") {
// ????? why do we need to do this
if (node.style === undefined) {
node.style = {};
node.style[name] = value;
} else if (ns !== null && ns !== undefined && ns !== "") {
node.setAttributeNS(ns, name, value);
} else {
switch (name) {
case "value":
if (value !== node.value) {
node.value = value;
case "checked":
node.checked = value === "true";
case "selected":
node.selected = value === "true";
case "dangerous_inner_html":
node.innerHTML = value;
// https://github.com/facebook/react/blob/8b88ac2592c5f555f315f9440cbb665dd1e7457a/packages/react-dom/src/shared/DOMProperty.js#L352-L364
if (value === "false" && bool_attrs.hasOwnProperty(name)) {
} else {
node.setAttribute(name, value);
function LoadChild(ptr, len) {
// iterate through each number and get that child
node = stack[stack.length - 1];
ptr_end = ptr + len;
for (; ptr < ptr_end; ptr++) {
end = m.getUint8(ptr);
for (node = node.firstChild; end > 0; end--) {
node = node.nextSibling;
return node;
const listeners = new ListenerMap();
let nodes = [];
let stack = [];
const templates = {};
let node, els, end, ptr_end, k;
export function save_template(nodes, tmpl_id) {
templates[tmpl_id] = nodes;
export function set_node(id, node) {
nodes[id] = node;
export function initilize(root, handler) {
listeners.handler = handler;
nodes = [root];
stack = [root];
listeners.root = root;
function AppendChildren(id, many){
root = nodes[id];
els = stack.splice(stack.length-many);
for (k = 0; k < many; k++) {
const bool_attrs = {
allowfullscreen: true,
allowpaymentrequest: true,
async: true,
autofocus: true,
autoplay: true,
checked: true,
controls: true,
default: true,
defer: true,
disabled: true,
formnovalidate: true,
hidden: true,
ismap: true,
itemscope: true,
loop: true,
multiple: true,
muted: true,
nomodule: true,
novalidate: true,
open: true,
playsinline: true,
readonly: true,
required: true,
reversed: true,
selected: true,
truespeed: true,
export function create(r){d=r;c=new TextDecoder('utf-8',{fatal:true})}export function update_memory(r){m=new DataView(r.buffer)}export function set_buffer(b){m=new DataView(b)}export function run(){t=m.getUint8(d,true);if(t&1){ls=m.getUint32(d+1,true)}p=ls;if(t&2){lss=m.getUint32(d+5,true)}if(t&4){sl=m.getUint32(d+9,true);if(t&8){sp=lss;s="";e=sp+(sl/4|0)*4;while(sp<e){t=m.getUint32(sp,true);s+=String.fromCharCode(t&255,(t&65280)>>8,(t&16711680)>>16,t>>24);sp+=4}while(sp<lss+sl){s+=String.fromCharCode(m.getUint8(sp++));}}else{s=c.decode(new DataView(m.buffer,lss,sl))}sp=0}for(;;){op=m.getUint32(p,true);p+=4;z=0;while(z++<4){switch(op&255){case 0:{AppendChildren(root, stack.length-1);}break;case 1:{stack.push(nodes[m.getUint32(p,true)]);}p+=4;break;case 2:id=m.getUint32(p,true);p += 4;{AppendChildren(id, m.getUint32(p,true));}p+=4;break;case 3:{stack.pop();}break;case 4:id=m.getUint32(p,true);p += 4;{root = nodes[id]; els = stack.splice(stack.length-m.getUint32(p,true)); if (root.listening) { listeners.removeAllNonBubbling(root); } root.replaceWith(...els);}p+=4;break;case 5:id=m.getUint32(p,true);p += 4;{nodes[id].after(...stack.splice(stack.length-m.getUint32(p,true)));}p+=4;break;case 6:id=m.getUint32(p,true);p += 4;{nodes[id].before(...stack.splice(stack.length-m.getUint32(p,true)));}p+=4;break;case 7:{node = nodes[m.getUint32(p,true)]; if (node !== undefined) { if (node.listening) { listeners.removeAllNonBubbling(node); } node.remove(); }}p+=4;break;case 8:{stack.push(document.createTextNode(s.substring(sp,sp+=m.getUint32(p,true))));}p+=4;break;case 9:text=s.substring(sp,sp+=m.getUint32(p,true));p += 4;{node = document.createTextNode(text); nodes[m.getUint32(p,true)] = node; stack.push(node);}p+=4;break;case 10:{node = document.createElement('pre'); node.hidden = true; stack.push(node); nodes[m.getUint32(p,true)] = node;}p+=4;break;case 11:id=m.getUint32(p,true);p += 4;i=m.getUint32(p,true);if((i&128)!=0){event_name=s.substring(sp,sp+=(i>>>8)&255);evt[i&127]=event_name;}else{event_name=evt[i&127];}node = nodes[id]; if(node.listening){node.listening += 1;}else{node.listening = 1;} node.setAttribute('data-dioxus-id', `${id}`); listeners.create(event_name, node, (i>>>16)&255);p+=3;break;case 12:i=m.getUint32(p,true);p += 3;if((i&128)!=0){event_name=s.substring(sp,sp+=(i>>>8)&255);evt[i&127]=event_name;}else{event_name=evt[i&127];}bubbles=(i>>>16)&255;{node = nodes[m.getUint32(p,true)]; node.listening -= 1; node.removeAttribute('data-dioxus-id'); listeners.remove(node, event_name, bubbles);}p+=4;break;case 13:id=m.getUint32(p,true);p += 4;{nodes[id].textContent = s.substring(sp,sp+=m.getUint32(p,true));}p+=4;break;case 14:i=m.getUint32(p,true);p += 4;if((i&128)!=0){ns=s.substring(sp,sp+=(i>>>8)&255);ns_cache[i&127]=ns;}else{ns=ns_cache[i&127];}if((i&8388608)!=0){field=s.substring(sp,sp+=i>>>24);attr[(i>>>16)&127]=field;}else{field=attr[(i>>>16)&127];}id=m.getUint32(p,true);p += 4;{node = nodes[id]; SetAttributeInner(node, field, s.substring(sp,sp+=m.getUint32(p,true)), ns);}p+=4;break;case 15:i=m.getUint32(p,true);p += 4;if((i&128)!=0){ns=s.substring(sp,sp+=(i>>>8)&255);ns_cache[i&127]=ns;}else{ns=ns_cache[i&127];}if((i&8388608)!=0){field=s.substring(sp,sp+=i>>>24);attr[(i>>>16)&127]=field;}else{field=attr[(i>>>16)&127];}{name = field;
node = nodes[m.getUint32(p,true)];
if (ns == "style") {
} else if (ns !== null && ns !== undefined && ns !== "") {
node.removeAttributeNS(ns, name);
} else if (name === "value") {
node.value = "";
} else if (name === "checked") {
node.checked = false;
} else if (name === "selected") {
node.selected = false;
} else if (name === "dangerous_inner_html") {
node.innerHTML = "";
} else {
}}p+=4;break;case 16:len=m.getUint8(p,true);p += 1;ptr=m.getUint32(p,true);p += 4;{nodes[m.getUint32(p,true)] = LoadChild(ptr, len);}p+=4;break;case 17:len=m.getUint8(p,true);p += 1;value=s.substring(sp,sp+=m.getUint32(p,true));p += 4;ptr=m.getUint32(p,true);p += 4;{
node = LoadChild(ptr, len);
if (node.nodeType == Node.TEXT_NODE) {
node.textContent = value;
} else {
let text = document.createTextNode(value);
node = text;
nodes[m.getUint32(p,true)] = node;
}p+=4;break;case 18:len=m.getUint8(p,true);p += 1;ptr=m.getUint32(p,true);p += 4;{els = stack.splice(stack.length - m.getUint32(p,true)); node = LoadChild(ptr, len); node.replaceWith(...els);}p+=4;break;case 19:tmpl_id=m.getUint32(p,true);p += 4;index=m.getUint32(p,true);p += 4;{node = templates[tmpl_id][index].cloneNode(true); nodes[m.getUint32(p,true)] = node; stack.push(node);}p+=4;break;case 20:return true;}op>>>=8;}}}

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

Binary file not shown.

View File

@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>A Letter to the Void</title>
<meta content="text/html;charset=utf-8" http-equiv="Content-Type" />
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
<meta charset="UTF-8" />
<link rel="stylesheet" href="styles/tailwind.min.css">
<div id="main"></div>
<script type="module">
import init from "/./assets/dioxus/void-werefox-cafe.js";
init("/./assets/dioxus/void-werefox-cafe_bg.wasm").then(wasm => {
if (wasm.__wbindgen_start == undefined) {
</html><script>// Dioxus-CLI
// https://github.com/DioxusLabs/cli
(function () {
var protocol = window.location.protocol === 'https:' ? 'wss:' : 'ws:';
var url = protocol + '//' + window.location.host + '/_dioxus/ws';
var poll_interval = 8080;
var reload_upon_connect = () => {
() => {
var ws = new WebSocket(url);
ws.onopen = () => window.location.reload();
ws.onclose = reload_upon_connect;
var ws = new WebSocket(url);
ws.onmessage = (ev) => {
if (ev.data == "reload") {
ws.onclose = reload_upon_connect;

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long