Greetings and welcome to `rustlings`. This project contains small exercises to get you used to reading and writing Rust code. This includes reading and responding to compiler messages!
- [The Book]( - The most comprehensive resource for learning Rust, but a bit theoretical sometimes. You will be using this along with Rustlings!
- [Rust By Example]( - Learn Rust by solving little exercises! It's almost like `rustlings`, but online
_Note: If you're on MacOS, make sure you've installed Xcode and its developer tools by typing `xcode-select --install`._
_Note: If you have Xcode 10+ installed, you also need to install the package file found at `/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/Packages/macOS_SDK_headers_for_macOS_10.14.pkg`._
You will need to have Rust installed. You can get it by visiting This'll also install Cargo, Rust's package/project manager.
The exercises are sorted by topic and can be found in the subdirectory `rustlings/exercises/<topic>`. For every topic there is an additional README file with some resources to get you started on the topic. We really recommend that you have a look at them before you start.
The task is simple. Most exercises contain an error that keep it from compiling, and it's up to you to fix it! Some exercises are also ran as tests, but rustlings handles them all the same. To run the exercises in the recommended order, execute:
This will try to verify the completion of every exercise in a predetermined order (what we think is best for newcomers). It will also rerun automatically every time you change a file in the `exercises/` directory. If you want to only run it once, you can use:
After every couple of sections, there will be a test that'll test your knowledge on a bunch of sections at once. These tests are found in `exercises/`.
## Completion
Rustlings isn't done; there are a couple of sections that are very experimental and don't have proper documentation. These include:
- Errors (`exercises/errors/`)
- Option (`exercises/option/`)
- Result (`exercises/result/`)
- Move Semantics (could still be improved, `exercises/move_semantics/`)
Additionally, we could use exercises on a couple of topics:
- Structs
- Better ownership stuff
- ??? probably more
If you are interested in improving or adding new ones, please feel free to contribute! Read on for more information :)
## Contributing
### Adding an exercise
First step is to add the exercise! Call it `exercises/yourTopic/`, make sure to
put in some helpful links, and link to sections of the book in `exercises/yourTopic/`.
Next you want to make sure it runs when using `rustlings`. All exercises are stored in `info.toml`, under the `exercises` array. They're ordered by the order they're ran when using `rustlings verify`.
You want to make sure where in the file you add your exercise. If you're not sure, add it at the bottom and ask in your pull request. To add an exercise, edit the file like this:
The `mode` attribute decides whether Rustlings will only compile your exercise, or compile and test it. If you have tests to verify in your exercise, choose `test`, otherwise `compile`.