
1.5 KiB

This will be used to replace the former next.js project that was hosting the info site.


This project works by using Dioxus' fullstack platform.

If you want a developer environment, you'll need to do the following:

cargo install dioxus-cli
rustup target add wasm32-unknown-unknown

Then, you should be able to run the development server.

(Linux example)

dx serve --hot-reload

If you'd like to know about how to use dioxus-cli, you should run dioxus --help or reference the official documentation.


Have Dioxus build a run binary.

dx build --release

Then, execute the resulting binary (which should end up in dist/ by default).


Project Structure

|- data             # text files that will be read to for data in the app
|- public           # save the assets you want include in your project.
|- src              # Rust code for the project
||- utils           # save some public function
||- components      # save some custom components